So, I have been very excited indeed about the state of my vegetable garden. Currently, it’s mostly in a state of potential vegetable garden, but it’s all ready for growth.
We had two tonnes of topsoil delivered last week, and spent an afternoon wheelbarrowing it from the front of the house, up the steps, up the bank, and into the raised beds.
We didn’t have enough, so we’ve more arriving next week to finish filling the beds.
But here’s what Raised Bed A looked like after:

Blank vegetable canvas
I’m awaiting my delivery from Rocket Gardens, but in the meantime I had garlic to plant:

Three varieties of garlic
I’ve planted three varieties, all from the Isle of Wight, and all for spring planting (as I obviously missed winter planting):
- Picardy Wight
- Mersley
- Solent Wight
I bloody love garlic. And in the event of a vampire attack, we’ll be sorted.
Every morning, I’ve walked purposefully up the garden to inspect the soil, and every morning I was disappointed and impatient. Until just a couple of days ago, when I saw this:

It’s sprouting
Two varieties are popping through like there’s no tomorrow… but there’s no sign of the Solent Wight yet.
Joe found some rhubarb in the compost heap and planted it in the corner, and it’s growing well. Bring on the crumble…

Rescued rhubarb
In other garden news: have you ever seen a pheasant on a bird feeder?

She was a pheasant plucker…
And finally – welcome to The Springle:

The Springle!
More exciting garden news and a big fire coming up…
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